Social Platform Impersonation: Types, Consequences, and Defenses

As the number of people who utilize social media for news and information increases, so do social media impersonations. In fact, impersonations overall remain the top threat type used against organizations, but Fortra research found that fake executive profiles surpassed brand and employee impersonations for a third straight quarter. It’s not a coincidence that trust and impersonations are growing among social media platforms, but taking on such cyber threats is daunting and time-consuming. 

In this Q&A webinar, Fortra security experts discuss:

  • The rising types of social media impersonations 
  • What your organization needs to focus on amongst the social media threat noise
  • Why visibility and mitigation are key in defending against brand deception 
May 16, 2024
10:00 a.m. BST | 15:30 p.m. AEDT