Digital Risk Protection

Safeguards your organization’s critical digital assets through expert-curated threat intelligence and complete mitigation. 

How It Works

The PhishLabs Platform is the foundation of our Digital Risk Protection solution. Developed over a decade in partnership with the world’s most targeted brands, the PhishLabs Platform delivers comprehensive collection, expert curation, and complete mitigation of digital risks, such as brand impersonation, data leakage, social media threats, and account takeover in one complete solution.


How to Use Our Web App

Our Web App was designed to give full visibility into digital risk protection services from PhishLabs. Through the app, customers can access and track threats that PhishLabs finds and mitigates on their behalf. 

Prioritized alerts for critical threats ensure you never miss an important update. The dashboard allows clear, actionable insights into threat trends and key performance indicators that matter most. Easily sort, search, and review threats with a centralized, chronological view that simplifies decision-making.

The detailed screenshots safely offer a window into malicious activities without interaction, and incident filtering allows you to quickly zero in on specific threats, save your favorite filters, and keep your focus where it’s needed most.

web app preview

Get a 5 Minute Guided Tour of PhishLabs Web App

Gain Visibility into External Threats


Brand impersonation, data leakage, and other external threats can happen anywhere online. Without extensive visibility across digital channels, these threats can easily go undetected and cause substantial harm.

Our Digital Risk Protection solution, powered by the PhishLabs Platform, delivers comprehensive visibility by collecting massive amounts of data across the surface, deep, and dark web. We monitor thousands of social media sources and ingest data from hundreds of public and private data feeds. We also integrate data from client-specific sources such as referrer logs and any third-party feeds.

This data is aggregated and processed at scale, incorporating automated crawling, parsing, anti-evasion, and pivoting processes to generate intelligence. The intelligence is enriched by our experts, who use advanced sourcing techniques to supplement the platform.

Machine and Human Collection Methods



Surface, Deep, Dark Web, Mobile App Stores


Data Feeds

URLs, Passive DNS, SSL Certs, Email and SMS Spam, Malware



Social Networks, Paste Sites, Gripe Sites, Blogs


Client Sources

3rd Party Feeds, Referrer Logs, Abuse Reports, Web Beacon

Comprehensive Intelligence Sourcing



Flexible Parsing Automates Data Ingestion Across Sources



Anti-Evasion Techniques Detect Hidden Malicious Content

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Advanced Crawling Technology Captures Web Data



Pivoting Processes Identify Related Threat Infrastructure

Reduce Noise, Find Threats

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The sheer volume of data on the web is overwhelming and growing exponentially. Intelligence tools built to monitor for online threats burden teams with additional responsibilities, divert resources from high-value initiatives, and generate too much noise. False positives are more common than real threats, creating an inefficient process where analysts are forced to churn through haystacks of low fidelity hits.

Our Digital Risk Protection solution removes this burden by incorporating advanced automated analysis with expert vetting. This eliminates false positives and delivers curated intelligence that is ready for action.

With automated analysis and risk-scoring algorithms, the platform processes massive amounts of collected intelligence in near real-time to find references to client assets. PhishLabs analysts then review, validate, and categorize the machine-filtered results to produce expert-vetted, curated intelligence. The platform is constantly tuned by our experts, ensuring collection and analysis processes align with current and future needs of each client.

Our curation process ensures that accurate, high fidelity intelligence is delivered. It minimizes the need for additional analysis and review prior to taking action. In doing so, the platform streamlines the response process and reduces the lifespan of threats while reducing security team workloads.

Address Threats Quickly and Completely


Successful Digital Risk Protection requires a comprehensive mitigation strategy that can rapidly and completely protect against online threats. Partial mitigation strategies, such as integrating threat indicators into internal security controls, are not enough to prevent harm to brands, customers, and employees.

PhishLabs delivers a complete mitigation strategy through our extensive global takedown network, browser-blocking, and automated integrations with internal controls.

Instead of relying primarily on automated form submissions and emails, the PhishLabs Platform connects directly to service providers via proprietary Killswitches and Takedown APIs. This delivers the fastest and most successful takedown capability in the industry. By combining takedown, browser-blocking, and integration with internal security controls, PhishLabs ensures threats are quickly and completely mitigated.



Global Takedown Network

Killswitch Integrations, Takedown APIs, Strategic Relationships, Browser-blocking, DMCA Takedowns


API Integrations



Client Web App

Executive Dashboard, Incident Management, Intuitive Workflows, Reporting and Analytics


Reporting APIs

Threat Intelligence Indicators, Incident Data Reporting, Incident Creation

Centers of Excellence

Different threats demand different approaches. For example, look-alike domains and fake social accounts are two very different problems that require distinct collection, curation, and mitigation. Using the same technology and operations for both leads to neither being addressed well.

That’s why PhishLabs established Centers of Excellence that bring a critical mass of threat-specific technology and operations. Our Centers of Excellence drive our collection efforts to source intelligence that delivers better visibility into threats early in the attack process. Collected intelligence is curated by specialists using threat-specific processes and context. Mitigation is enhanced with handling procedures and workflows purposefully designed to mitigate specific threat types as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

As a result, our Centers of Excellence deliver unparalleled threat detection and mitigation.


Explore the PhishLabs Digital Risk Protection Platform Solutions

Brand Protection

Continuously collects massive amounts of data from the surface web, deep web, dark web, and social media to identify content containing brand keywords and variations. 

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