Brand Protection Defends Brands from Digital Abuse
Brand abuse can happen anywhere online. Threat actors take advantage of reputable brands on the web, social media, and through digital advertisements to add credibility to their attacks. Look-alike domains, fake websites, counterfeit ads, and bogus social profiles all pose a threat, and have the ability to cause substantial harm to enterprises and their customers.
These examples of digital brand impersonation can quickly lead to fraud losses and security incidents. Defend your organization with a digital brand protection solution.

Gain Visibility Across the Threat Landscape with a Brand Protection Solution
Cybercriminals routinely deceive your customers for financial gain. They build credential theft websites and convincing social profiles, and even place deceiving ads that impersonate, undermine, and damage prominent brands.
Identifying instances of brand misrepresentation can safeguard against significant reputation damage and financial loss. However, detection requires broad visibility across web, domain, and social media channels, as well as access to a wide range of intelligence sources.
Our digital brand protection solution continuously collects massive amounts of data from the surface web, deep web, dark web, and social media to identify content containing brand keywords and variations. Our unparalleled breadth of automated data collection, combined with expert mining methods, enables the widest possible view of potential brand threats across digital channels.

Continuous data collection from the surface web, deep web, dark web, and mobile app stores

Data feed ingestion of URLs, passive DNS, SSL certs, DMARC reports, email, SMS, and malware

Unparalleled breadth of automated data collection combined with expert mining methods

Pivoting processes identify related threat infrastructure for deeper disruption
Eliminate Noise to Focus on Legitimate Digital Brand Threats

The sheer volume of data on the web is overwhelming, and intelligence tools built to find brand matches can generate large volumes of low fidelity results, making false positives common.
Sifting through potential findings can compromise a security team’s ability to find truly malicious activity. And yet, analysts devote most of their time to churning through large quantities of brand mentions.
Our digital brand protection solution uses machine-filtering technology and expert analysts to validate, categorize, and prioritize the references to your brand that matter most. By eliminating the noise, your team is empowered to focus on the threats impacting your reputation.
Streamline the Takedown of Digital Brand Abuse

Killswitch integrations, takedown APIs, strategic relationships, browser-blocking, DMCA takedowns

APIs, SIEMs, SOARs, TIPs, FWs, and IDPs

Executive dashboard, incident management, intuitive workflows, reporting, and analytics

Threat intelligence indicators, incident data reporting, and incident creation