

Vulnerabilities found in Dendroid mobile Trojan

On Friday, the full source code of the Dendroid Remote Access Trojan (RAT) was leaked. Dendroid is a popular crimeware package that targets Android devices and is sold on underground forums for $300. Usually the source code for botnet control panels is encrypted, so it was surprising to find the full source code for the Dendroid control panel included in the leaked files. Analyzing the leaked code...

Phishing Takedown Anti-Phishing Phishing Protection

Phishing is a prevalent problem for businesses, particularly financial institutions. Over the years, many services have emerged to help organizations address phishing attacks that are targeting their customers' accounts. When seeking solutions, businesses find they have several options to choose from. These fall into three categories: Phishing takedown services Anti-phishing services Phishing...

Advancements in Phishing Redirector Scripts

Almost since the beginning of phishing, attackers have created simple webpages that redirect users to another URL that contains the actual phishing form. They do this for several reasons. In case their phishing site is shutdown, they can simply change the destination of the redirect to point to another phishing site. This means that everyone who receives an email with the redirector link and...